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Organizing Week 2: Kitchen Cabinets

Finally!!! It feels so good to finally finish this week of organizing. I am about a month behind but it is worth it. I really wanted to pinpoint the problem areas and find ways to fix them and I feel that for the most part, I have been able to do that. Since this is such a high traffic area, having an organized kitchen really helps things run a bit more least as smoothly as possible with two little ones underfoot ;). I'll take you through each drawer and cabinet and show you what I've done. I have to warn you that they are not all pretty but they are functional- and that should always be the main goal. I am happy with how things turned out. I have not included any of the cabinets that are for food storage since that organizing challenge comes next week. Here goes! This is the cabinet under the sink. I know for most people it is such a difficult spot to keep in order. My cabinet is not very large so just a couple of products really helped pull it togethe...

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